Scope of practice
I am a full member of the UK & International Health Coaching Association, EFT International and Yoga Alliance and am fully insured for my work as a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, EFTi Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner, and Yoga Alliance RYT 200 Yoga Teacher through Balens Insurance.
Scope of practice for Functional Medicine Coaching Academy graduates:
A Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) partners with individuals and groups in a client-centered process to support their health and wellness. FMCA graduates are trained to work closely with clients around the lifestyle factors that influence health (sleep and relaxation, exercise and movement, nutrition, stress, relationships).
FMCHCs are experts in behavior change and employ effective, evidence-based techniques such as motivational interviewing and appreciative inquiry. Health coaches possess the skills required to create connection, trust, and rapport. This leads to improved communication with the treating practitioner, a better understanding of the therapeutic plan, and a deeper commitment to following treatment recommendations.
A successful coaching process empowers clients to draw on internal strengths, develop self-knowledge, and embrace self-management strategies in order to make the often-challenging lifestyle changes necessary for optimal health.
An FMCHC has a solid understanding of the foundations of Functional Medicine. They are fully trained to utilize many of the IFM resources. This background allows them to understand and, with the addition of their coaching skills, support the client to implement Functional Medicine treatment plans into their lifestyle.
An FMCHC does not assess, prescribe, diagnose, treat, or interpret results. FMCA website
Scope of practice for UKIHCA members:
Health coaches work with individuals and groups in a client-centred process to facilitate and empower the client to develop and achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness.
Coaches support clients in mobilising internal strengths and external resources, and in developing self-management strategies for making sustainable, healthy lifestyle, behaviour changes.
As partners and facilitators, health coaches support their clients in achieving health goals and behavioural change based on their clients’ own goals and consistent with treatment plans as prescribed by individual clients’ professional health care providers
Coaches assist clients to use their insight, personal strengths and resources, goal setting, action steps and accountability toward healthy lifestyle change and may offer supporting resources from nationally and internationally recognised authorities, such as current government and public health guidelines and peer-reviewed sources.
Coaches must unless otherwise credentialed and able to do so legitimately, avoid giving specific personal health advice, but may offer a client direction to health and wellness information and resources from nationally/internationally recognized, robust evidence-based and peer-reviewed authorities, so that clients can draw their own conclusions, gain confidence and a sense of empowerment. UKIHCA website
In addition, I abide by the following:
Code of conduct and ethics/ scope of practice for EFTi practitioners
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